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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Squirrels, the big and little

We spotted this squirrel while we were having lunch in a pull-off beside the road.  At first we didn't recognise it as a squirrel, it was so big and fat!  It was literally as big as a sheep, but with a long, fluffy tail.  It was only when it sat up on it's hind legs that I realised it was a squirrel.  A ground squirrel, because this one could not climb a tree.  I also suspect she is pregnant.

This one is tiny, about the size of a rat.  But it sure moves fast.

This one is a chipmunk, and  is also tiny and fast.  It is trying to get into a bird house.


  1. Hi Janet,
    Always loving your posts!
    Are you sure the fat one isn't a marmot or groundhog?

  2. Thanks, Peter.I know marmots don't have tails like this one had. I'm not sure about the groundhog. I did look up fat squirrels, Oregon, images, on the net and found some almost identical to this animal. I also found out that they can have ten or twelve babies which made it seem more possible. I really didn't think this was a squirrel until it sat up on it's hind legs, and used it's front paws to nibble on a pine cone. It acted like a squirrel. I did take some other photos, but this was the clearest one, although one of the others did show the tail.

  3. I think it is an Oregon Ground Squirrel, because of the orange belly. I just looked up groundhogs and they certainly had the right shape and characteristics except for the orange belly.
